I decided to go back in to Nottingham City Centre as there are some quite unusual types of benches there that some may not automatically are benches due to their design. My intention was to focus on little details rather than the subject as a whole because I wanted to look at the textures of wood or the metal work.
-I immediately discarded images 22-30 because I was not particularly fond of the design, it also seemed too plain and boring to me.
-Images 31-33 caught my eye straight away. When I was taking these photos, I was not too sure on whether I would like the content due to the cigarette stub on the bench. However, I think that this gives it more of a used feel, making it clear that people do use the bench.
-I was torn between images 46 & 47 because I loved the detail of the wooden handle against the brushed chrome but I was drawn slightly more towards image 47 as it was more zoomed in on the handle and it took up more of the frame than image 46 did.
-Overall, I think that I have got two images that have the potential to be in my final images from this shoot.

-This photo was my favourite out of images 33-31 as you get to see the detail of the wood very clearly in the foreground. I shot it so it you are made to look all the way to the end of the bench so you are able to get an idea of how big it actually is. I decided to made the foreground in focus because I wanted the texture and cracks in the wood to be very clear.


- I chose to develop this image further because It shows the whole of the bench but focuses greatly on the design of the handle and this is what drew me to it in the first place. Just like the photo above, I was interested in the detail of the wood and the outdoor, weathered look.

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